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Our offer

"What you can now?" is the question usually answered in sports laboratories, we also answer

" What should you do next?"


We assess your physical fitness by determining the aerobic and anaerobic threshold, measuring heart rate and taking lactate readings during gradually increasing workload.

We will not burden you with an oxygen mask and other unnecessary equipment, with us you will feel almost like you are in a regular training session.

After the test, we provide advice for endurance athletes and, taking into account the test results, we recommend further training directions and the desired intensity.

Pārbaudes veidi

Remember, in order to correctly evaluate your physical fitness, the test of working capacity must be performed by exercising the same muscles that are trained in workouts - for cyclists, the test must be performed on a bicycle, but for runners, only on a treadmill!


Performance testing is performed on your equipment - bike and indoor bike trainer, 

or any other equipment which can change the load in steps and measure power. This will help to build training workloads more precisely.


Pārbaude ietver

Examination includes:

Anthropometric measurements

Height, weight, ...

ECG recording

An ECG record that allows you to judge the heart rate after exercise.

Determination of training zones

Determination of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. Division of load into intensity zones, according to heart rate, power and speed. Examples of training.

Body composition measurements

fat, muscle, bone mass, visceral fat level, amount of water in the body, body mass index, daily calorie intake, metabolic age, ...

Lactate analyses

Lactate analyzes are necessary for correct determination of aerobic threshold and training zones.

Measurements .fit file

FIT is a common exercise data file format that can be uploaded to many training tracking apps.

Spirometry measurements

plaušu tilpums (FVC), forsētās izelpas tilpums pirmajā sekundē (FEV1), maksimālā izelpas plūsma (PEF).

Calculation of maximum oxygen consumption

For cyclists, maximum oxygen consumption is calculated - an indicator of aerobic capacity.

Consultation of an experienced and certified couch

How to organize the training process? How to distribute the load per week, per month, per year? How to achieve the highest possible results by devoting an optimal amount of time to training?

Izvēlies pārbaudi
Test on a treadmill or bicycle
 with 6-lead ECG *
Test on treadmill
Pārbaude uz velosipēda
Test on bicycle and treadmill
Discount for 2 persons **

* In all tests, a 1-lead ECG is recorded and analyzed with the app.
A 6-lead ECG recording is recommended if you wish to submit this to your cardiologist for a more in-depth evaluation of your heart.
** Discount for 2 persons is applied if the persons perform the examination one after the other and receive a joint consultation after the second person's examination is finished.

Maruta Noveičuka
Sports doctor, homeopath

Lactate causes various changes in the body, so every athlete must know the intensity, when lactate will start to develop additionally in the body, how long it takes to warm up after the competition, so that the concentration of lactate decreases below the threshold of aerobic exchange.

Lelde Ardava
Two-time champion of Latvia in mountain biking in cross country (XCO) and marathon

A fitness test is like a technical inspection of a car - everyone who likes to spend their free time doing active sports should know if everything is in order with the heart and vascular system. For those who are more focused on training, it is important to know their aerobic and anaerobic zones in order to plan their training more correctly. I also did such a test, especially after the birth of a child, when I wanted to know how my fitness had changed and how to get back in shape as soon as possible.

Mārtiņš Sirmais
European vice-champion and multiple Latvian champion in orienteering

Using a heart rate monitor and performing lactate analysis became an integral part of training already when I started regularly attending training at school. That's why I have to say a big thank you to my couch, because now I understand how important it is to train the body correctly, with suitable loads, and not to overtrain.

  • Usefulness of lactate analyzes and Vo2max in determining athletes' performance.
    Lactate analysis and Vo2max determination tests are widely used to determine the working capacity of athletes. Each of these tests gives a kind of idea about the athlete's working abilities. In the Vo2max or maximum oxygen consumption test, the volume of inhaled and exhaled air and the concentration of gases are determined. The test takes place with a special mask placed on the face, which measures the volume of air exchange while the athlete is running on a treadmill or cycling, which helps to determine the threshold of the athlete's aerobic load and the suitability of the overall cardiovascular and respiratory systems for high-intensity physical activities. (Grant JA, Joseph AN, Campagna PD, 1999). On the other hand, lactate analyzes are based on the concentration of lactate in the blood, which is measured every certain period of time, while simultaneously increasing the load of the athlete by taking blood tests. At the end of this test, the athlete gets an idea of his aerobic threshold, similar to the Vo2max test (Faude O, Kindermann W, Meyer T, 2009). Although the benefits of these two tests are similar, there are three factors that lead to the belief that lactate analyzes are more accurate and useful compared to the maximal oxygen consumption test. First of all, by long-term and regular physical activities at a sufficiently high intensity, the maximum limit of Vo2max is reached, which naturally cannot be increased any more (Bourdon P, 2013). Consequently, further tests no longer reflect the results of the training process and this type of test becomes useless for high-level athletes. This upper limit is most often reached by members of endurance sports - for example, marathoners and triathletes - whose training load is sufficiently long and intense. The second factor that could adversely affect Vo2max test results is the testing equipment used. During the test, a person wears a face mask that is connected to a machine that analyzes breathing rate, volume, and gas concentration. If the test is performed while running, this face mask restricts the athlete's natural movements, especially in the upper body. If the heart rate measurement does not use a strap that is placed around the chest, but the wires that ensure the reading and recording of the heart rate are still attached, body movements are restricted even more and the athlete during the test concentrates on not tearing off one of these wires and not on the maximum achieving the result. If the test is performed on an exercise bike, then these movement-limiting factors are not so significant. However, the face mask used in Vo2max testing can also cause psychological difficulties for the athlete. Since this mask makes breathing difficult, during the test the athlete may, for example, experience a suffocating feeling, which in turn can lead to panic. Lactate analyzes also have movement-limiting moments, at the time of blood sampling, when the hand must be placed on the handrail of the treadmill while the athlete continues to run, however, this limitation is relatively short, ~5 seconds. The third factor that can significantly affect the results of the Vo2max test is the operation of the equipment. First of all, it can be incorrect calibration of the equipment. It can be caused both by an incorrect gas label on the tank and by incorrect addition of the calibration gas. The test results can also be significantly affected by the concentration of gases in the environment. If the room where the testing takes place is not provided with sufficient ventilation, the concentration of CO2 and O2 of the surrounding environment does not correspond to the norm and this leads to inaccurate test results (Hoppe J., 2009). Of course, inaccurate data can also occur in the acquisition of lactate analyzes as a result of the operation and calibration of the equipment, however, the advantage here is that if the specialist finds the data incorrect, each blood sample can be tested again, after recalibration of the equipment. In general, both lactate analysis and Vo2max tests give an idea of the athlete's physical condition and anaerobic threshold, however, both for people who have just started physical activities and for high-level spotters, lactate analyzes will be more useful and accurate. Used literature. Australian Institute of Sport, Tanner, RK, Australian Institute of Sport, Gore, CJ, & Bourdon, P. (2014). Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes-2nd Edition. Human Kinetics. Faude, O., Kindermann, W., & Meyer, T. (2009). Lactate Threshold Concepts. Sports Medicine, 39(6), 469–490. Hoppe, J. (2009, December 27). Errors in VO2 testing
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